Market Vectors Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS – today announced the monthly review results and the new composition of the Market Vectors Bond Indices.

The following changes will be implemented on 31 March 2014.

Index Additions Deletions Total Components
Market Vectors EM Aggregate Bond 33 18 1979
Market Vectors EM Corporate Bond (local FX) 3 2 100
Market Vectors EM Corporate Bond (USD&EUR) 25 10 1302
Market Vectors EM Sovereign Bond (local FX) 2 1 265
Market Vectors EM Sovereign Bond (USD&EUR) 3 5 312
Market Vectors Renminbi Bond 8 4 112
Market Vectors US Investment Grade Floating Rate 30 6 284
Market Vectors US Treasury-Hedged High Yield Bond 23 19 781

A complete list of components and weights is available for download for registered users.