Market Vectors Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS – today announced the monthly review results and the new composition of the Market Vectors Bond Indices.

The following changes will be implemented on 1 September 2014.

Index Additions Deletions Total Components
Market Vectors Altman North America Defaulted & Distressed Bond 3 9 163
Market Vectors Altman North America Defaulted Bond 0 3 103
Market Vectors Altman North America Distressed Bond 3 6 60
Market Vectors EM Aggregate Bond 32 36 2147
Market Vectors EM Corporate Bond (local FX) 4 12 116
Market Vectors EM Corporate Bond (USD&EUR) 22 10 1442
Market Vectors EM Sovereign Bond (local FX) 1 3 268
Market Vectors EM Sovereign Bond (USD&EUR) 5 11 321
Market Vectors Renminbi Bond 0 0 156
Market Vectors US Investment Grade Floating Rate 8 10 309
Market Vectors US Treasury-Hedged High Yield Bond 17 17 803

A complete list of components and weights is available for download for registered users.