MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index: Important Update Related to Latest Index Update

Because of multiple questions related to the change of the index methodology for the MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index, we would like to provide the following additional information.

The number of companies in the MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index would have increased from 48 to 69 if the newly announced rule had been in effect at the time of the last index review in March 2017: The largest company, by market capitalization, would have been $2.9 billion1 (up from $1.8 billion2). The weighted average market cap of the MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index would have been $1.7 billion3 (up from $967 million4).

With kind regards,

MV Index Solutions

Footnotes 1),2),3),4): all calculation based on data as of 31 March 2017